Their training area especially, while pretty, sets up one of the most laughable character rifts ever - so desperate to avoid either side really doing anything that all it can manage is "We had a mild disagreement and everything worked out, but let's become sworn enemies anyway because this game isn't built for neutral players." This becomes especially noticeable when the game needs to be dramatic. Aside from their love of beer, they feel like Saturday morning cartoon characters, and thematically rarely advance much beyond Blizzard slapping some fur on stock Chinese/martial arts tropes and hoping the exotic novelty will do the heavy lifting.

Too many though are an infuriatingly passive bunch who feel designed by committee to be inoffensive first, marketable second, and 'interesting' coming a distant third. Chen Stormstout and his niece Li Li are particular highlights, along with the helpful Lorewalker Cho. There are some excellent Pandaren characters, and their basic lore is fine.